Startup Choice Award > Submission

One Week Opportunities

by One Week Opportunities

High school students accompany a university student or apprentice for a week to get an authentic insight in their prospective future – a basis to choose a career path they really desire. This P2P model is enabled by our scalable matching on the platform. Users are socially engaged and with discernment – an interesting target group for companies or universities. Companies recruit users and promote their employer brand. We also help them to fill their apprenticeship positions, which is a real pain point for SMEs and big corporations in Germany. Universities may market their institution and programs to attract new students.Companies in Germany spent €190m and universities €25m p.a. on branding and recruiting in our target groups. Thanks to our product portfolio we are able to gain companies of different sizes as customers. The founders have experience in finance, sales, product management and are supported by Björn Strüwer (Social Finance Expert) and Christian Vollmann (Business Angel).