Startup Choice Award > Submission


by tectonical

E-Mail and other communication tools are not capable to flourish in digital (r)evolution. Users often perceive communication as an annoying feature during everyday operation and get distracted from the actual work. Quvert enables fast, reliable, usable and secure communication. It introduces mechanisms to conduct legally watertight agreements. The emerging IoT is also minded by the platform. It will enable secure communication with smart objects deployed in an office. It also enables a visualizable and configurable knowledge management. The first roll-out will be in Germany. As a B2B communication platform, Quvert addresses almost all company types, which makes up a total market of 3.63m companies representing 27.25m employees. The planned market shares (base case) are: test & roll-out (2017), 0.4% (2018), 1.0% (2019), 2.0% (2020), 3.0% (2021). Break-Even is in 2018 and by 2021 EUR 1.5m profit is made