Startup Choice 2017 > Submission

Bearprotein The First Organic Insect Bar

by Bearprotein


We believe a healthier and more sustainable future for all is possible today!
To reach this target, we develop the world first organic insect protein bar.

Humans need protein for a healthy life. But the factory farming of animal protein needs a lot of naturally resources like water, feed and land.

To generate one kg of beef do you need 16.000l water, 16 kg feed and pollute 27kg greenhouse gases! Most animal protein is contaminated with antibiotics which leads to antibiotics resistance by humans.

We found a protein source which is more healthy for the human, need less water, feed and land.


We use a protein sources which is used by 2.5 billion people in the whole world!

A protein source which is older than animal farming, more sustainable than meat, contain all essential amino acids, a lot of vitamin b12 and minerals.

INSECT PROTEIN from crickets which are fed with organic feed.
We create a tasty protein bar with cricket flour, to make the insects more attractive for people in the western world!

Protein from crickets gives the whole range of BCAAs. They need very few resources to produce and our protein bars are not only healthy but tasty. Also, our bar is the first in whole organic quality.

And the best there are no diseases, which are transferred through insects, so no antibiotics are needed.


- To found the perfect taste, we used the user experience from more than 800 potential customers!

- We made three different flavours ("apple cinnamon", "hot and spicy" and "salty chocolate")!

- We create the first organic insect snack in the word!

- Actually we are sponsored by Siemens and the HWR incubator from Berlin!

- We won a business plan competition in Berlin 2017!

- We build the best team with skills in business administration, food technology and design!

- We plan to go to market in January 2018!